100 | I just split my business up! (+ 100th episode reflection)

I just split my business up! (+ 100th episode reflection)
I just split my business up! (+ 100th episode reflection)
byRosanna Design

Episode Notes:

Insights into the new direction of byRosanna, PLUS I’m celebrating my 100th podcast episode! I’ll be sharing my journey with The Freelance Fix and some podcasting lessons along the way.

Links & resources


With 10 years as a Squarespace Circle Member, website designer and content creator, Rosanna shares tips and resources about design, content marketing and running a website design business on her blog. She’s also a Flodesk University Instructor (with 11+ years expertise in email marketing), and runs Cornwall’s most popular travel & lifestyle blog too.


101 | 3 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Website


99 | Is Chat GPT the future of content creation? (+ how to use it strategically in your business!)