7 Tips to Create Content That Converts Your Audience

7 Tips for Creating Content That Converts

In this post I’m sharing how to strategically create content that actually converts your audience into paying customers.

Because yes, we of course want our content to be helpful and inspirational to our audience so that they can connect with our brand more and engage with us, BUT we also need our content marketing to encourage that audience to eventually ‘convert’ (ie. become customers) to make it all worth it!

Table of Contents

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    1. Know your target audience & what they want

    I know I talk about understanding your ideal customer / target audience ALL. THE. TIME - but it truly is key to everything in marketing in order to create content that resonates.

    When you have a clear understanding of who your ideal customer is, it makes it so much easier to know what types of content to create, what they're going to be interested in, and what kinds of messages and copy you can use to draw them in and compel them to take that next step.

    Further reading: How to get to know your ideal customer & target audience

    2. Know what a ‘conversion’ means to you

    Before you start creating content, you need to know what a ‘conversion’ means to you in this context. Different businesses have different ideas of what a conversion might be, such as:

    • Sell a product

    • Get a contact enquiry via email

    • Have someone book a discovery call

    • Get a new email subscriber

    Get clear on that first because you always want to have that end goal in your head when you are creating any piece of content.

    3. Get comfortable with ‘selling’

    Selling doesn't have to be sleazy or icky. It's simply about showcasing the value that you provide to your audience, because not everyone will know EVERYTHING about you and what you offer. Some of your audience may not even realise you sell X product, or offer X service.

    You can create content that focuses on solving their problems, and how your offer - whether that's a product or a service - can become the solution to things that they're feeling challenged by or struggling with. This is HELPFUL to them, and not sleazy.

    4. … but don’t always focus on selling

    While it is important to create content that drives conversions, not every piece of content needs to be focused on selling. Mix in content that is meant to inspire or educate your audience, as this type of content can help build trust, making people more likely to convert when the time is right.

    5. Create highly relevant content

    To encourage conversions, you need to create content that is highly relevant to your target audience, focusing on their needs, challenges, and desires.

    As well as this, make sure your content is always relevant to what you OFFER, and your expertise. There’s no point creating a post about X topic, and then asking someone to buy a product at the end that has no relevance. THAT is where selling can become weird and sleazy!

    6. Craft compelling messages

    By this I mean the copy, key points and elements you’re including in your content. The messages you’re getting across should be clear, concise, and persuasive. Try including your own insights and stories, or even incorporating testimonials and case studies from previous clients can be a great way to create social proof for your offer too.

    7. Include an easy CTA (Call To Action)

    A clear and easy-to-understand call to action (CTA) is essential to driving conversions. Actually TELL your audience what it is you want them to do next.

    This is going to be a different action step than when you’re creating content that focuses on engagement. Instead, you’ll maybe be asking someone to sign up to an email list, buy a product, or get in touch with you.

    These are quite big steps, so how can we make it as EASY as possible for someone to do this?

    Maybe rather than instruction someone to ‘go to the link in bio, go to this page, and click this link’ in your Instagram caption, you could link directly to the right page in your Stories.

    Or maybe instead of linking someone to a product page on a blog post, you could embed a ‘buy now’ button directly on the page!

    These are just some of the ways you can make it easier for your audience to convert.


    With 8 years as a Squarespace Circle Member, website designer and content creator, Rosanna shares tips and resources about design, content marketing and running a website design business on her blog. She’s also a Flodesk University Instructor (with 8+ years expertise in email marketing), and runs Cornwall’s most popular travel & lifestyle blog too.


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